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4 Mistakes to Avoid Growing a Painting Business

1.) Going it alone is never good. Having a business partner will land you bigger jobs. Plus, you can come up with better ideas and techniques working together as a team.

As the old saying goes, many hands make light work. There are so many advantages to having a dependable business partner.

Or, you could have a dependable employee or two to help your painting business grow.

2.) Not knowing how to find work. You need to put forth the effort of finding customers. You will be surprised how effective it can be to offer your painting services to homes and businesses.

Plus, after a while you will begin to stay booked up for months in advanced. And when you do need to look again for work, it will only be for a little while and then you will be up and running again and stay busy again for a long time.

And if you have extra add-on services related to your painting business you can stay busy from the same customers you already have. Add-on services like light carpentry, window washing, drywall repair and texturing, wall papering and wall paper removal. Even window washing and power washing.

3.) Not knowing how to estimate painting jobs.. You will leave a ton of money behind if you don’t know how to bid your jobs. Interior, exterior, commercial and residential projects must be calculated correctly or you will be working for nothing.

Many new painters go out of business faster than they started simply because they fail to make any money.

Knowing how to estimate residential, commercial and even industrial painting (interior and exterior) can make you rich.

4.) Using cheap coatings. If people shell out big dollars for your painting services you need to give them their money’s worth. Using the best coatings available will only allow you to turn your jobs faster and easier.

And your painting jobs will look better. They will look like a professional painter was there in someone’s home or place of business.

Make Money Faster, Easier With This Cool Add-On Painting Business 

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