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How to Turn a Fast Profit in Your Painting Business

The way to turn a fast profit in your painting business is to find a customer, do a professional estimate and just go do the painting job.

You will have instant income. Just don’t go it alone. Get some knowledge from a professional on how he runs his painting business.

The best way to make the MOST profit is to learn how to find quality customers and estimate painting jobs with precision. Then you won’t be losing money or leaving money on the table.

Some jobs you can guesstimate but others will be more complex. Personally, I wouldn’t guesstimate any painting job if possible.

Sure, you will make some coin, but with an exact estimating system in place you can:

  1. Have confidence in your bid and
  2. Have boldness to tell the customer exactly how much it will cost them to do the job as a professional painting businessman.

Another way to make a fast profit is to have add-on services that offer high profits. This will also allow you to have longer customer retention so you don’t have to look for business as much and this also gives you more call-backs from the same people. 

Also, you will begin to get referrals from your existing customers. These people are golden leads because your painting business comes highly recommended!

Now if you have high overhead because you are trying to grow a big painting company, I don’t know what to tell you because I have always been a smaller ‘two – thee painter’ type of company.

I don’t have sub-contractors or employees, I don’t have anything more than an ad flyer and a telephone. I never even needed a website.

I have done paid advertising and that has always paid off big time.

Things have changed quite a bit since I first started painting in the 1990s.Gas back then was a dollar a gallon.

Then there was a no “Do Not Call List” and my marketing changed. We had the Yellow Pages phone book. And paints were a bit different and the prices were a bit cheaper too.

The high cost of gas we have today can be included in the estimate and the same with higher priced coatings. So you can still turn a profit if you are savvy to these things. 

Now if you have slapped down some big cash to own a painting business, yeah, it may take you some time to turn a profit and pay off the franchise. But if you are a smaller business, everything can be low-cost and free.

Make Fast, Fun Cash in Your Painting Business

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